The ProLinga Projects are getting large projects to maintain and its future relies on voluntary contributions. There are many ways to contribute to the various projects that together form ProLinga System Builder.
To get in contact with us, one of the first things to do is to subscribe to one or more discussion lists. For information on how to subscribe, see the list of discussion lists available. There are also searchable archives available.
Install ProLinga and let us know what you think. What is good? What is missing? Ideas? Enhancements? All feedback is appreciated so we can build a better product.
Have you developed an application with ProLinga? Send a couple of screenshots to our general discussion list and we will add them to this Web Site with a link back to your Web Site.
ProLinga is supported by the community. If you can help out any users with questions or issues in any of the discussion lists, please help them. It is our shared responsibility to help each-other out in the community and to help grow the community.
Bugs can be reported at the ProLinga Bugzilla Server. You will need to first create an account before you can file bugs in the system.
Patches can be send to either the developer discussion list or can be linked to the matching bug (if exists) in the ProLinga Bugzilla Server.
All ProLinga Projects have their own set of documentation as part of the distribution. Al documentation is using the DocBook implementation. We need help in getting the contents of the documents to the next level. If you are familiar with the ProLinga Projects and concepts and good at good at English and/or any other language, you may like to contribute in this area.
At the moment the only language used in the various ProLinga Projects, both documentation as localization, is English. If you are good in implementing localization and/or a language other than English, you may want to help out in this area.